...After the “PEZ-EFFECT” rocks the Dream World & reality itself comes into question, more & more people realize that the world is not real! Again, PEZ collecting & conventions may totally be erased as well as many other wonderful things in the world. Earth is threatened now that Jeff is waking! He & his friends are on an Archon ship. Will the aliens & their ZEDNAR lead to an ultimate space battle? How can micro-supermen & superwomen defeat powerful forces in the galaxy that have gone mad?
Read TS Caladan’s 2nd venture into PEZ~. Will good Archons save us? Will Reality be one with the candy or not? Or is it the end of the world?><
32,800 words
186 pages
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by TS Caladan
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Video by TS Caladan featuring his artwork and thoughts
Pez Wars 2