by Dean Patrick
Detective Marion Paul, desperate to save his kidnapped daughter and girlfriend, must run a gauntlet of apocalyptic horrors and psychopathic killers to untangle a twisted web of clues, all mired in a warped arena of psychological torment, deception, and numbing mind control meant to keep him a bay and drive him insane. Jack the Ripper incarnate Rex Brody and the wolf-beast Adrian Kane are determined to sacrifice the ones Marion loves in a bloodletting ceremony to the harlot Terra Drake. She’s the personification of beauty in the flesh and ugliness of spirit, and she wants humanity to bow down to Her in worship. Now, as his hometown of Duncan, Utah, is invaded by witches and ghoul-elves, and the cauldron fires leap and roar, he takes a stand against evil...for his loved ones, his home, and the rest of us in small-town America.
116,000 words
388 pages
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