Steven Trent
Time travel is impossible, but Dr. De’ath builds a time machine anyway, which doesn’t take him across time but flings him through the space-time continuum, creating a rift between two parallel universes. The rift makes it possible for superheroes from both Earths to meet, and their familiar powers are similar to those of the caped crusaders we know and love here on our Earth: Superior Man, Amazon Woman, Jet Man, Ratman, Golden Ring, and a host of other special warriors who must join forces with The Assemblers: Man Machine, Tarantula Man, Hornette, and Behemoth from their Earth to battle the planet-eating giant, Faculus, whose appetite is fixated on devouring our Earth. His minions are many and strong, and he has a secret weapon, hercolubite, which will neutralize his fiercest opponent, Superior Man, the leader of the Superior Squadron. It’s all hands on deck for the battle that will decide the fate of humanity.
78,300 words
308 pages
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