Zev Bronski
John Laden, a recognized pioneer in Vestigial Phenotype Rescue (VPR), is employed in the “Junk Yard,” the Genetic Enhancements Department of a space mining company. He has made a career resurrecting abandoned, but useful, genetic traits from genes that have been buried in the human genome but have gone silent through natural selection. The shocking discovery of a human and plant genetic hybrid deliberately engineered into human DNA takes Laden and his young acolyte, Silas Vern, into the Guatemalan rainforest to find the rarest of plants and unlock the genetic message that has been dormant for a million years. It will rock the very foundation of human history and reveal a completely different story of mankind’s origins on planet Earth.
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42,200 words
198 pages
Palinode: From ancient Greek palin to Latin palinōidia then late 16th century English: A poem in which the poet retracts a view or sentiment expressed in a former poem. Translated to the 21st century version: a narrative in which the author contradicts a previous scientific theory or commonly accepted historical convictions.