Have you noticed that A.I. is everywhere now: computers on the phone, at check-outs, controlling our cars, running our homes? Do you worry that machines are taking over and humanism is being cancelled? Ever wonder who is really making the rules, directing or mandating what we do, and manipulating the masses from behind the guise of progress? Could one entity be the Architect of society that determines our music, movies, literature, TV shows, commercials, art, fashions, and compels us to buy the products we use every day? Is there a malevolent power at work right under our noses? That’s what happened on Tera, a parallel Earth with a very similar history. Discover the occult Illuminati secrets behind Terans’ A.I. nightmares by reading about this fantasy world that mirrors our own reality.
Book 1 - A.I. Series
47,700 words
218 pages
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by TS Caladan
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Video by TS Caladan featuring his artwork and thoughts
Book 2 - A.I. Series
Book 3 - A.I. Series
Book 4 - A.I. Series